Why a real new economy ?

Do you think that people do not feel that they are reduced to work and spend money to live for working ?

Do you accept that I can not save money anymore ?Do you find normal that I can not invest money anymore ?
I'm tired to feel like an unbrained animal doing footing for banks & for plastic supermakets.

And what about your own economic life ?

Things, all the things mainly money, all destinations are in megamajors hands.This is the reason of my stress, your stress, people stress. Because the Classic Economy (to save, to spend, to invest) ...is "Kaput".

That is why you find now your Self_Cashput_More_Cashcall_Power. By Mousephone, in webcashfishing position for you, your webcashmotor work no stop 24/7.
Your Webcashmotor let you sleep in insured Cash_Keeping_Confort, because your savings are your security. When you have a problem, you need cash, nothing more. But your web_saving_device (we can call also like this your webcashmotor) is buzzy, buzzy, catching production factors tagvaporated into webspace. To increase fished value . You can cashcall it at any time. Because the rule is : datevaluation is cashkeeping for you.

Do you like a Tagvaporated Personal Webrobot ?
Or do you prefer banks & finantial markets, politicals & megamajors ?

Mauro, Clara & me we would like your feedback & following in Economy 4G3W.

Filipe Alves Ferreira (1942) = filipealvesferreira@gmail.com

This blog is owned by :
Mauro Francisco Caceres (27.12.1990 at S. Pedro)
Filipe Alves Ferreira (27.05.1942 at Lourosa)

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